Expert Pravdin Alexander Vasilyevich

Expert-automotive technician in the KKA "Grozny and Partners"
Pravdin Alexander Vasilyevich

Pravdin Alexander Vasilyevich

Basic information

  • Specialization: Examination of the technical condition of vehicles, Investigation of the circumstances of the accident, Investigation of traces on vehicles and the accident site
  • City: Kaliningrad
  • Phone: +7(4012)722-441 ext 523

Expert auto technician Pravdin A.V. has a higher technical education in the specialty and experience of expert work more than 30 years, which is confirmed by certificates for the right to conduct examinations and research issued by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.


Maximum withrock of performing examinationss andwhether researchI 7 - 8 days.


Licensing of expert activity by the Federal Law "On State Forensic Expert Activity in the Russian Federation"; No. 73-FZ of May 31, 2001 is not provided, however, we constantly conduct examinations and studies on the basis of rulings, court rulings and statements, coming from citizens, and we maintain constant contact with the Main Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation located in Moscow to eliminate gaps in the study of new and improving existing methods of investigation of road traffic crimes. 


An expert automotive technician when performing examinations and research ensures the safety of incoming materials and objects for research, ensures the non-disclosure of the information received, constituting a state, commercial or other legally protected secret, and the expert it is warned aboutb criminal liability for giving a deliberately false conclusion under Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


List of examinations and studies performed by an expert automotive technician:   


-"Investigation of the circumstances of a traffic accident" (vehicle collisions, pedestrian collisions, etc.);


-"Investigation of traces on vehicles and the accident site" (transport and tracological diagnostics);


-"Examination of the technical condition of vehicles" (technical and diagnostic examination).


Expert automotive technicians carry out activities for the organization and production of forensic automotive expertise and research based on a unified scientific and methodological approach to expert practice, professional training and specialization of experts.  

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